European Strategy for Particle Physics

European Strategy for Particle Physics

The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear electron-positron collider under development by international collaborations hosted by CERN.

For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, for a site length ranging between 11 km and 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam.

The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start as early as 2026 and first beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a physics programme spanning 25–30 years.

A number of documents report on the CLIC accelerator and detector and physics status in advance of the European Strategy update 2018-2020, including the design, technology, and implementation aspects of the CLIC accelerator and the detector, and summaries of the physics potential of CLIC.

The CLIC accelerator collaboration and CLIC Detector and Physics collaboration together comprise around 400 participants from approximately 75 institutes worldwide. Additional contributions are made from beyond the collaborations.

Contact information


Representatives from CLIC were present at the European Strategy Open Symposium in Granada, Spain, May 13 to 16, 2019.

Click here to contact CLIC.


CLIC input to the European Strategy for Particle Physics Update 2025


CLIC input to the Snowmass Process 2022


CLIC input to the European Strategy for Particle Physics Update 2018-2020


Formal European Strategy submissions

  • The Compact Linear e+e- Collider (CLIC): Accelerator and Detector (arXiv:1812.07987)
  • The Compact Linear e+e- Collider (CLIC): Physics Potential (arXiv:1812.07986)

Yellow Reports

Journal publications

  • Top-quark physics at the CLIC electron-positron linear collider (JournalarXiv:1807.02441)
  • Higgs physics at the CLIC electron-positron linear collider (JournalarXiv:1608.07538)
    • ​Projections based on the analyses from this paper scaled to the latest assumptions on integrated luminosities can be found here: CDS, arXiv.

Selected CLICdp notes 2018


CLIC Conceptual Design Report (CDR) 2012

  • A multi-TeV Linear Collider based on CLIC Technology (CDS)
  • Physics and Detectors at CLIC (arxiv:1202.5940)
  • The CLIC programme: towards a staged e+e- collider exploring the terascale (EDMS)
  • Overview webpage

